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Special Advisory

COVID-19 Update

Updated June 10, 2021

Dear Guests,

Capilano Suspension Bridge Park is open daily with COVID-19 operational changes in effect. We strongly encourage guests to comply with current public health guidelines and travel restrictions. To learn more, visit here. The health and safety of our guests, team members and community continues to be our highest priority.

You are not permitted to visit Capilano Suspension Bridge Park if you have travelled outside of Canada within the past 14 days of your proposed visit. Do not enter the Park if you or anyone in your household is displaying symptoms of COVID-19, or have been asked to self-isolate for 14 days.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.



To see what the current Park experience and safety procedures look like, please watch our “Know Before You Go” video:


  • Tickets and Annual Passes are encouraged to be purchased in advance online at
  • There is a limited quantity of tickets available each day for designated entry times, to limit contact upon entry and to reduce capacity.
  • The average length of stay in the Park during the summer months is approximately 2 hours.
  • Guests are not permitted to re-enter the Park once they have left.
  • All ticket sales are final.
  • If you have a donation or complimentary day pass, please contact to check validity and booking protocols.
  • For Travel Trade inquiries, please visit here.


  • Existing BC Annual Pass holders are also required to reserve their preferred date/time online prior to each visit by clicking on BC Book Time.
  • Click here to view our helpful step-by-step visual guide for creating online reservations.
  • If you have previously had an annual pass and are having issues with your login or with resetting your password, please email or call 604.985.7474 with your Annual Pass number.
  • All BC Annual Passes that were valid during our two closures have been extended by the total number of days we were closed. No days have been lost.


  • Capilano Suspension Bridge Park is collecting contact information from all guests purchasing tickets and reserving time slots, should it be requested by Provincial Health Authorities. This information is being retained for 30 days.
  • Capilano Suspension Bridge Park operates in compliance of local, national and international privacy policies and will not use email addresses for the purposes of marketing without the permission of our guests and Annual Pass holders.


  • Face masks or coverings are required in the Park for all guests over 6 years of age.
  • Disposable masks can be purchased at the entrance for those without one.
  • Although masks are always encouraged, mask required zones are designated with signage throughout the Park and include the following areas:
      • Bridge House Ticketing
      • All potential queuing areas and food venues
      • The Capilano Suspension Bridge
      • Treetops Adventure
      • Cliffwalk
      • The Trading Post Gift Store
      • All washroom facilities
      • Any indoor spaces
  • Guests have the opportunity to let a team member know if they are medically exempt from wearing a mask. Medically exempt guests receive a sticker indicating this to avoid being approached by team members and asked to wear a mask repeatedly throughout their visit. 
  • Failure to comply with the Mask Policy may result in removal from the Park.


  • Capilano Suspension Bridge Park is accessible via Translink, ridesharing or taxi. If you are travelling in a personal vehicle, pay parking is available.
  • Capilano’s Free Shuttle service has currently been suspended at this time.
  • Guests are asked to arrive within their designated half hour entry time. Guests arriving outside of their indicated time will be rescheduled for the next available time slot.
  • The Park entrance is a mask required zone.
  • Pre-purchased tickets are scanned by a team member inside a kiosk behind glass.
  • Large families are required to split up, with a maximum of 10 people walking together. 
  • Guests cannot re-enter the Park after exiting.


  • To ensure physical distancing and sanitization standards are maintained, COVID-19 related safety signage features Scout, the safety squirrel, throughout the Park.
  • Team members are positioned throughout the Park to assist guests with the experience and safety protocols.
  • Upon arrival, guests are greeted with signage to ensure they have pre-purchased a timed ticket, to inform them that masks are required, and to remind them not to visit if they are displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
  • In areas where queuing may occur, ground stickers are in place to ensure family groups visiting together maintain a 2-meter distance from other groups.
  • Guests are asked to keep their distance and follow Park directional signage as indicated in the Park Map.
  • Waymarking signage in conjunction with team member manned stations and organized planters denote the direction guests will need to travel through the Park. 
      • Guests explore the Park in a one-way direction to limit guests from walking past each other in opposite directions.
      • The Suspension Bridge attraction is a mask required zone and operates in both directions. Frequent safety announcements are made to encourage guests to keep moving and to remind them to maintain their physical distance from others. 
  • Hand sanitizer stations are located in multiple locations throughout the Park, including all attractions. Signage can be found in all washrooms reminding guests to wash their hands properly. All washrooms are designated as mask required zones.
  • Increased sanitization & cleaning practices are in place and have been since our re-opening on June 19, 2020.
  • Ambient music volume throughout the Park experience is much lower than speaking volume.
  • The Park Map is now accessible via QR code.


  • Currently, The Cabin, Loggers’ Grill & Cliff House Restaurant are open daily, operating at a reduced capacity with limited outdoor seating, following all COVID-19 safety protocols.
  • All venues have an entrance (with hand sanitizer and signage reminding guests to sanitize their hands) and appropriate directional/ground signage, through the venue.
  • Payments are encouraged to be made by credit and debit cards to minimize contact.
  • Team members work behind plexiglass and food is passed through an opening at a designated pick-up area.
  • Guests must be seated to consume food & beverages, and a maximum of 6 guests may be at one table. Guests are not permitted to visit other tables.
  • All F&B seating has been spaced to allow for 2-meters of physical distance between tables.
  • Between seatings, tables and chairs are wiped down and sanitized with a non-food safe disinfectant and a 5-minute timer is set. After 5-minutes, a server wipes down the surfaces and sanitizes the table with a food safe product.
  • All team members working in F&B wear appropriate PPE including food preparation disposable gloves and disposable masks, and have been trained thoroughly on how to use it properly.
  • Only government approved F&B suppliers are used. All suppliers provide their documented health & safety precautions and COVID-19 workplace procedures.
  • Sorry, no outside food or drink will be permitted.
  • A Health & Safety Promise has been created for guests and is displayed at all F&B locations within the Park.


  • The Trading Post Gift Store is open daily from 11am to 7pm.
  • Store capacity is reduced to allow for proper physical distancing. During busy periods, a greeter is posted at the door to monitor.
  • With the overall reduced attendance, physical distancing is easily being maintained in the 5,500 sq. ft. retail space.
  • Hand sanitizer units are positioned at each entrance point.
  • Doors are open at all times to increase air flow in the building.
  • Sanitary precautions are in place including frequent sanitization of common touch points and shopping baskets between guest use.
  • Team members working in the ice cream/confectionary zone have been trained on and are required to use proper PPE including food preparation disposable gloves and disposable masks. 
  • Plexiglass shields are in place by the cash till section to protect team members/guests in areas where physical distancing may not be possible.
  • Every other cash till is closed for additional spacing between guests and team members.
  • Returned product is quarantined for 3 days before being added back into inventory.
  • Being an indoor facility, the Trading Post is a mask required zone.


  • All team members complete a daily in-person assessment prior to each shift to ensure they are not exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms. Any team member displaying symptoms is immediately sent home. 
  • Team members are required to wear personal protective equipment including face masks, gloves and/or face shields based on the risks associated with their particular role. All personal protective equipment has been provided to them.
  • Plexiglass has been installed in all locations where payment is processed, or one-on-one interactions require less than 2-meters of distance.
  • Team members are provided with hand sanitizer and have been trained in frequent and thorough hand hygiene. Team members have also been trained on proper cleaning procedures, related to their department.
  • Where possible, team member shift starting times and break times are staggered to allow for proper physical distancing in all team member spaces.


  • Increased sanitization and scheduled cleanings in all areas of the Park.
  • Ongoing cleaning, disinfecting and sanitization of touch points.
  • All of the cleaning products used by team members are approved by Health Canada and are proven to kill viruses such as COVID-19.
  • Hand sanitization stations are located throughout the Park, including the entrances and exits of each attraction and building. These stations are replenished daily and checked regularly ensuring there is always product available.
  • Washrooms are available throughout the Park for hand washing. Signage on the importance of washing hands is present in all washrooms.


  • Dress for the weather and wear appropriate footwear for the outdoors
  • If there is wind, or other extraordinary weather conditions, Capilano Suspension Bridge Park may close. For updates, visit our website and follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.
  • In the event of a closure, we will work with you to reschedule your visit to an alternate date/time slot.

With these measures in place, we are confident that we can provide you with a great outdoor experience at Capilano Suspension Bridge Park.

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