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Capilano Blog

14 Apr

Have you seen Henry?

April 14, 2017

Henry is the Capilano Suspension Bridge Park’s (wild) resident Great Blue Heron. He has been a favorite among the guests and nature guides for several years now because he adds excellent commentary to our hourly tours! If you are a regular visitor to the park, you may have noticed that Henry has not been hanging around the West Side of the park lately, but don’t fear! While Great Blue Herons are generally solitary birds, once a year, in the spring, the birds get together to mate. It wont be long until Henry is back lounging around the large pond waiting to enthrall guests with his magical abilities to scoop fish out of the water and eat them whole! Henry is surprisingly easy to spot, and that may be thanks to the monopoly he has on the rainbow trout living in the ponds as he has grown quite large over the years! If you get a chance to come visit, I suggest to come around lunchtime, then, you just might be lucky enough to catch the nature guides feeding the fish; this is Henry’s favorite time of the day because the fish are easy pickings! I don’t think you have lived until you see a Great Blue Heron eating a live rainbow trout right in front of you!

Henry (as we have fondly named him) is just one of many different types of wild birds you can possibly see if you come visit the park. We regularly see bald eagles, golden eagles, as well as an array of hawks flying through the canyon. You just have to remember to look up to catch a glimpse of them!

by Elizabeth Close
Nature Guide

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